General | |
Q.1.) | What is NULM? |
Ans. | NULM means National Urban Livelihoods Mission. To reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots level institutions of the poor. The mission would aim at providing shelter equipped with essential services to the urban homeless in a phased manner. In addition, the Mission would also address livelihood concerns of the urban street vendors by facilitating access to suitable spaces, institutional credit, social security and skills to the urban street vendors for accessing emerging market opportunities. |
Q.2.) | How can I access NULM MIS? What are the things needed for accessing NULM MIS? |
Ans. | For accessing NULM MIS you should have a computer with Internet connection. NULM MIS can be accessed by typing the URL |
Q.3.) | Which browser should I use to access NULM MIS? |
Ans. | User can use any browser (like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) to access this NULM MIS. |
Q.4.) | What is meaning of “Your Password is blocked!! Please contact to Administrator”? |
Ans. | If user tried wrong username/password more than five times. User account will be inactive. Only their superior can activate user account. |
Q.5.) | What are the Major Main components in NULM MIS? |
Ans. | The Major Main Components of NULM MIS are ; Employment through Skill Training and placement – ESTP Self Employment Programme – SEP Social Mobilization and Institutional Development-SMID Shelter for Urban Homeless – SUH Support to urban Street vendor – SUSV Capacity Building and Training Programmes – CBT. |
Q.6.) | What is the meaning of NMMU, SMMU and ULB? |
Ans. | NMMU means National Mission Management Unit, SMMU means State Mission Management Unit and ULB means Urban Local body. |
Q.7.) | What is the role of NMMU? |
Ans. | NMMU will release money for all components and define targets for all states. |
Q.8.) | Who will fix the Target for ULB? |
Ans. | State will fix target for ULB’s. |
Q.9.) | What are the different user credentials in this application? |
Ans. | There are six types’ user credentials in the NULM MIS ; 1. NMMUMMU 2. SMMU 3. ULB 4. Training Agency 5. Training Centre 6. Certifying Agency |
Q.10.) | To whom you have to contact for your technical and operational Problems? |
Ans. | All Training Agencies, Training Centers, Certifying Agencies should approach their SMMU MIS specialist for their operational problems. All the ULB’s should approach their SMMU MIS specialist for their operational problems. s. All the SMMU’s should approach NMMU MIS Specialist for the entire operational Issues. NMMU MIS specialist will report the technical issues to NIC-Coordinator. |
Q.11.) | How can I understand the NULM MIS? |
Ans. | The detailed user manual for all the components is available in the NULM MIS Home page itself. It is in the PDF format. Anybody can download and make use of that. |
Employment through Skills Training & Placement (ESTP) | |
Q.1.) | What is EST&P? |
Ans. | The Employment through skill training & placement(EST&P) program will provide for skill training of the urban poor to enable them setting up self-employment ventures and for salaried jobs in the private sector. The EST&P Program intends to fill the gap between the demand and availability of local skills by providing skill training programs as required by the market. |
Q.2.) | What are the activities has to be carried out by NMMU and SMMU login? |
Ans. | Role of NMMU: Setting targets for all states financial year wise, Adding Trade, Adding course, Adding curriculum for the courses, Adding empanelled institutes and creating user credential for institutes, Attaching courses to institutes, Adding certifying agencies and creating user credentials for certifying agencies. Entries of the applications which are receive at the NMMU level. SMMU activities are also same as the NMMU, Instead of fixing targets to states SMMU fix the targets for the ULB’s. |
Q.3.) | What do you mean by financial allocation in ESTP state target? |
Ans. | Financial allocation means budgets allocation to the states for the ESTP Component in that particular financial year. |
Q.4.) | What are the conditions are incorporated while entering the Targets? |
Ans. | Sum of (SC +ST+ Others) must be greater than sum of (Women+ minority+ PWD). |
Q.5.) | What is meant by PWD? |
Ans. | PWD means ‘Person with disability’. |
Q.6.) | How to add Trade? |
Ans. | By using the “Add/Edit Trade” option you can add new trades as well as you can modify the existing trades. |
Q.7.) | Who can edit Trade? |
Ans. | Those who entered the trade, only that user credential can modify the trade/data. If NMMU created any trade then only NMMU can edit or modify that trade. |
Q.8.) | What type of validation is incorporated while entering trades? |
Ans. | Trade name will accept only alphabets. |
Q.9.) | What is the duration of the course? |
Ans. | There is no fixed duration for any courses. It varies from course to course. |
Q.10.) | What is validation incorporated while entering the Course Code? |
Ans. | Course code accepts only the alphanumeric characters. |
Q.11.) | What type of validation is incorporated while entering Order Date? |
Ans. | All the date formats should be dd/mm/yyyy. Order date should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.12.) | What type of validation is incorporated in Empanelment Up to Date? |
Ans. | All the date formats should be dd/mm/yyyy. Empanelment date should be less than or equal to today’s date and after the order date. |
Q.13.) | If the users are forgotten their password or their login name is blocked, in that case to whom they should contact to rectify their problem? |
Ans. | For the above said problems, users should contact the officials, those who have created their user credentials. It is applicable to all type of users. |
Q.14.) | Who will create user credential for Institutes? |
Ans. | Who’s ever (NMMU/SMMU/ULB) empanelling the institutes they can create user credentials for those institutes. |
Q.15.) | What type of validation is incorporated in order number? |
Ans. | Order number accepts alphanumeric characters. It won’t accept special characters. |
Q.16.) | What is the password policy incorporated in password? |
Ans. | Password must contain at least 8 characters, in that it should contain at least one special character and one number. The characters are case sensitive. |
Q.17.) | What do you mean by “Hands on Training Included”? |
Ans. | Hands on Training Included mean that the no hours of hand on training to be given to the candidates while conducting the training programme. |
Q.18.) | When will be the course is attached to the institutes and by whom? |
Ans. | After empanelling the institutes, the courses are attached to the institutes by SMMU/ULB. |
Q.19.) | How NMMU can attach the institutes to States? |
Ans. | Go to the ESTP main menu and select the sub menu of Institute, click the menu of add state in existing institute and fill the details or add the state which you want to add. |
Q.20.) | How NMMU can attach the Certifying Agency to States? |
Ans. | Go to the ESTP main menu and select the sub menu of Certifying agency, click the menu, add state in existing certifying agency and fill the details or add the state which you want to add. |
Q.21.) | Who will assign the certifying agency for the training programme and when it is assigned? |
Ans. | Before the completion of training programme ULB has to assign the certifying agency for the training programme. |
Q.22.) | Who will fix the targets for the Institutes? |
Ans. | SMMU (State) will fix the Institutes Targets. |
Q.23.) | What is Skill gap analysis? |
Ans. | Skill Gap Analysis should provide a clear picture of the industry wise demand for trained manpower, nature of skills required, trades to be selected for wage employment as well as for self-employment. |
Q.24.) | What are the activities has to be carried out by ULB/CMMU login? |
Ans. | a) Entry of applications which are received by the ULB. b) Selection of Applicants for the training program and then forwarding the applications to the training center. ing center. c) Generation of computer generated letter call letter for the applicants, adding empanelled institutes and creating user credentials for institutes (if needed). d) Assigning certifying agency for the batches, before closing of training programs. |
Q.25.) | Who will fix the target for SMMU and ULB in ESTP? |
Ans. | NMMU (Centre) will fix the target to SMMU similarly SMMU will fix the target to ULB. |
Q.26.) | How the application number is generated? |
Ans. | While entering the applications the application number is generated. The format of the application no. is explained below. The sample application no is ‘06041700059’. First two digits “06” describe the state code. state code. Second four digits “0417” describe the ULB code. And last five digits “00059” describe the Application Id. |
Q.27.) | What type of validation is incorporated in Date of Survey? |
Ans. | Date of Survey must be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.28.) | What is meant by Dispose Application? |
Ans. | Dispose application means that deletion of applications which are rejected or by any other reasons. |
Q.29.) | What would happen when application is disposed by ULB? |
Ans. | If the Applications are disposed then these applications will not show in the application list. |
Q.30.) | What do you mean by Toolkit? |
Ans. | Toolkit means hardware/software materials provided while conducting the training programmes. |
Q.31.) | What are the activities to be taken by the institutes? |
Ans. | Institutes create user credentials for their training centers. |
Q.32.) | What are the activities has to be carried out by the Training Centre? |
Ans. | 1. Creation of batches ; 2. Entering the detailed information’s of applicants which was forwarded by ULB, forwarded by ULB, 3. Intimating ULB regarding the selection of candidates through computer generated letter. 4. Marking attendance twice in a day. 5. Rejection of beneficiaries from the training program before closing of training program. 6. Closing the training programmes. 7. Forwarding the candidates to the certifying agency for certification. 8. After certification, entry of placement/self employment details. 9. Uploading the salary slips (for 12 Months) for salaried employees. |
Q.33.) | What are the activities has to be carried out by certifying agency? |
Ans. | 1. Entry of assessor details ; 2. Assigning assessor to the completed training programs training programs 3. Entry of the assessment details for each candidates. 4. Uploading the certificates for the passed candidates. |
Q.34.) | When the beneficiary code is generated? |
Ans. | While, entering the details of the beneficiary by the Training Centre the beneficiary code is generated. It contains 14 Characters (e.g. ‘BEN06041700159’.) First three characters “BEN” indicate the BENIFICARY. Next two digits “06” describe the state code. state code. Next four digits “0417” describe the ULB code. And last five digits “00059” describe the beneficiary number. |
Q.35.) | What happen while the beneficiary is rejected by the training centre? |
Ans. | Beneficiary will be return to ULB. |
Q.36.) | What type of validation is incorporated while uploading the image of the beneficiary? |
Ans. | Only jpg, jpeg format are allowed. The maximum size of image is <= 100kb. |
Q.37.) | Who has to forward the application to training centre? |
Ans. | ULB has to forward the applications to training centre. |
Q.38.) | What is meant by Training Code? |
Ans. | Training Code is used to identify the program uniquely. Training code contains 13 characters (e.g. ‘TN06041700004’). First two digits ‘TN’ are describing the training. Second two digits ‘06’ describe the state code.scribe the state code. Next four digits ‘0417’ describes the ULB code And last five digits ‘00004’ describe the unique identification of training. |
Q.39.) | Whether the batch details can be modified after starting of training program? |
Ans. No, you cannot modify the batch details after the starting of training program. ram. | |
Q.40.) | If applicant cannot complete the training then what will happen? |
Ans. | If applicant cannot complete the training then he is not eligible for placement. |
Q.41.) | If the applicant not certified by the certifying agency then what will happen? |
Ans. | If the applicant is failed by the certifying agency then the application returned to ULB for further action. |
Q.42.) | What activity has to be done before closing the training? |
Ans. | Before closing the training, certifying agency must be attached for the training program by ULB. |
Q.43.) | What activity has to be done before entering the placement details? |
Ans. | The training program has to be closed first. After closing the training program only the placement details can be allowed to enter. |
Q.44.) | What type of validation is incorporated while uploading the Certificates, Salary Slip, and Appointment Letter? |
Ans. | Certificate/Salary slip/Appointment letter must be in PDF format and the size of the PDF file should be less than or equal to 1mb. |
Q.45.) | How to send SMS to candidates? |
Ans. | Go to the admin menu and select the send SMS option and then enter the Message and select the candidates and click on send SMS button. After pressing SMS button SMS will go to the selected to candidates. |
Q.46.) | What type of validation is incorporated in the ‘Appointment Letter Date’ and in ‘Date of joining’? |
Ans. | Appointment Letter Date should be greater than or equal to e “Result Date” and it should be less than or equal to today’s date. “Date of joining” should be greater than or equal to “Result date” and “appointment letter date”. |
Q.47.) | What do you meant by ‘’Release Beneficiary ‘’ in Training centre? |
Ans. | If the beneficiary discontinued in the middle of the training program due to any reason, the beneficiary can be send back to ULB by using this option. If you select this option then it shows the entire training programs which are currently running/operation in the Training centre. As per the selection of training program, it displays the beneficiaries/trainees in the training program. |
Q.48.) | What do you mean by Certifying Agency while adding a new course? |
Ans. | It means that, you are attaching a Certifying Agency who can certify the candidates those are attending in the selected course. |
Q.49.) | What do you mean by Certifying Agency? |
Ans. | Certifying agency is an organization which conducts the interview of trainee and gives result of pass /fails and finally provide certificate accordingly. |
Q.50.) | Who can create user credentials for the Certifying Agencies? |
Ans. | NMMU and SMMU can create user credentials for the Certifying Agencies. |
Q.51.) | What type of validation is incorporated in DOB (Date of Birth)? |
Ans. | Age should be greater than or equal to 18 years. |
Q.52.) | What are the activities has to be carried out by certifying agency? |
Ans. | 1. Entry of assessor details. 2. Assigning assessor to the completed training programs.ning programs. 3. Entry of the assessment details for each candidates. 4. Uploading the certificates for the passed candidates. |
Q.53.) | Who will release payment to institution as well as for certifying agencies? |
Ans. | ULB will be release payment to institutes and for the certifying agencies. |
Q.54.) | What type of validation is incorporated in date of release? |
Ans. | Date of release should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.55.) | In assessment details if exam result is fail then what will happen? |
Ans. | Failed Applicant details will be available to ULB to take further action. ULB can assign this candidate to different training centers or to different training program. |
Q.56.) | What type of validation is incorporated while uploading the Certificates, Salary Slip, and Appointment Letter? |
Ans. | Certificate/Salary slip/Appointment letter must be in PDF format and the size of the PDF file should be less than or equal to 1mb. |
Q.57.) | Who will release payment to institution as well as for certifying agencies? |
Ans. | ULB will be release payment to institutes and for the certifying agencies. |
Q.58.) | What type of validation is incorporated in date of release? |
Ans. | Date of release should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.59.) | What do you mean by Assessor? |
Ans. | Assessor means who conducts the tests for the candidates. |
Q.60.) | Who identify the assessor and who assign the assessor for the training? |
Ans. | Certifying Agencies identifies as well assign thee assessor for the training programs. Assessor will be assigned only for the completed/closed training programs. |
Q.61.) | After filling assessment details where the application will goes? |
Ans. | After filling assessment details applicant’s details are available to training centre for the entry of placement details. |
Self Employment Programme (SEP) | |
Q.1.) | What is meant by SEP-I & SEP-G? |
Ans. | SEP-I stands for Self Employment Programme for Individual and SEP-G stands for Self Employment Programme for Group. |
Q.2.) | Who will fix the target for SMMU and CMMU on SEP-I & SEP-G? |
Ans. | NMMU will fix the target to SMMU and SMMU will fix the target to CMMU. |
Q.3.) | When Application ID is created? |
Ans. | Application Id is created when the application intent is entered. |
Q.4.) | What is the meaning of 15-digit Application ID in SEP-I? |
Ans. | First 4 digits are alphabet which means APPLICATION of INDIVIDUAL (i.e. APPI) Next 2 digits are State Code (i.e. 06 for Harayana)na) Next 4 digits are City Code (i.e. 0417 for Gurgaon) And Last 5 digits are the count of total applications in respected state and city Example: APPI06041700032 |
Q.5.) | Can we delete intent application? |
Ans. | Provision to delete the application is provided but it should be done before the screening of the application. i.e. if the application status is pending then it can be deleted. |
Q.6.) | When will be the application status becomes approved by ULB? |
Ans. | When the screening of application is completed in all respect, then the status becomes approved automatically while forwarding to TF. |
Q.7.) | What is the condition to be fulfilled to make the entry on the Screening of Application in SEP-I? |
Ans. | If all the required documents are completed in loan application details, then only you can make entry in Screening of Application. |
Q.8.) | How much amount can be approved by Task Force in SEP-I & SEP-G? |
Ans. | The amount approved by task force should be less than or equal to loan required amount applied by applicant. The Maximum limit for the SEP-I is 2 Lakh and for the SEP- G is 5 Lakh. |
Q.9.) | What happens when the application is rejected by Bank in SEP-I? |
Ans. | If the Application is rejected by bank then it will be deactivated from database and this record will not further visible. Banks can reject the applications till the loan is disbursed. |
Q.10.) | Whether the same applicant can apply for the loan for more than once in SEP-I? |
Ans. | Applicant can apply more than once if the previous application is rejected otherwise he can’t apply more than once. |
Q.11.) | Whether the applicant can apply for the loan if the previous application is rejected by bank? |
Ans. | Yes. If the previous application is rejected by bank for some reason, he/she can re-apply for the loan. This will be treated as a new loan application. |
Q.12.) | Is there any tenure period for the loan? Who will fix the loan tenure? |
Ans. | Loan tenure period should be >= 60 months and <= 84 Month i.e. 7 years. Loan tenure is fixed by the bank. |
Q.13.) | Whether the loan amount will be disbursed in a single instalment or in multiple instalment in SEP-I and SEP-G? |
Ans. | Loan amount is to be disbursed in multiple instalments in both (SEP-I & SEP-G). At the same time the total loan disbursement amount should not be greater than loan sanctioned amount. |
Q.14.) | What is meant by subsidy releases and subsidy releases (ALL) in SEP-I & SEP-G? |
Ans. | Subsidy release is a screen by which subsidy can be released for a single application at a time. While releasing the subsidy for more than one application then subsidy releases (ALL) may be used. |
Q.15.) | Whether the subsidy releases can be released in more than one instalment? |
Ans. | Yes. Subsidy releases can be released in more than one instalments in both SEP-I & SEP-G. |
Q.16.) | Whether the applications rejected by the banks in SEP-I and SEP-G can be reactivated? |
Ans. | Yes, all the bank rejected applications can be re activated by the use of Activate rejected applications option. |
Q.17.) | Can we activate those applications which are deleted before screening in SEP-I & SEP-G? |
Ans. | Yes, the deleted applications can be re activated by the use of Activate rejected applications option. |
Q.18.) | When will be the beneficiary ID is generated? |
Ans. | Beneficiary ID is generated after the bank approval. |
Q.19.) | How the beneficiary id is generated? |
Ans. | First 3 digits are alphabet (i.e BEN) Next 2 digits are State Code (i.e. 06 for Harayana) 06 for Harayana) Next 4 digits are City Code (i.e. 0417 for Gurgaon) And Last 5 digits are the count of total applications in respected state and city Example: BEN06041700045 |
Q.20.) | Can we delete SEP group application? |
Ans. | Yes, Group can be deleted until and unless it is not approved by bank. |
Q.21.) | Whether the SEP group member can be deleted from the group? |
Ans. | Yes, any member in the Group can be deleted before the screening of application. |
Q.22.) | What happens when SEP group application is rejected at the time of screening? |
Ans. | This loan application is deactivated from database and it will not further visible on any screen. |
Q.23.) | Whether it is possible to add the same members in multiple SEP-G? |
Ans. | No. One person can be a member of one SEP-G only. |
Q.24.) | Whether the single beneficiary can avail the benefits of the various schemes of the NULM? |
Ans. . | Yes. Single beneficiary can avail all the benefits from all components of NULM. But only one beneficiary id will be generated. |
Q.25.) | What are the mandatory fields while entering the member details? |
Ans. | These are the mandatory field while entering member’s details in a group:- a) Member Name,me, b) Member’s Father/Spouse Name, c) Qualification and, d) Date of Birth (DOB). |
Q.26.) | What is the Minimum member required to form a group? |
Ans. | A group must have at least 5 members. |
Q.27.) | If a beneficiary is a member in more than one components of NULM, then if the beneficiary is deleted from one component whether it will affect in other component of NULM or not? |
Ans. | No, only the deleted component data will be removed, but the beneficiary details will be available for other components. |
Q.28.) | What are criteria checked while screening of the loan application in SEP-G? |
Ans. . | While screening of application the following two conditions are checked – a) Group should submit all the required documents (Loan form, address proof etc.) b) Group must have at least 5 members. |
Q.29.) | Whether the multiple loans can be availed by the same group? |
Ans.s. | No. only one loan can be availed by each group. |
Q.30.) | If the loan application is rejected by the bank then whether the same group can apply for the loan once again? |
Ans. | Yes. After rejection they can apply for new loan. This will be treated as new application. |
Q.31.) | What is difference between Application No. and Group Enterprise Code? |
Ans. . | Application No is generated while entering the initial loan application. While at the time of bank approval the Group Enterprise Code will be generated. |
Q.32.) | How to make entry in SHG-Bank Linkage Application form, because all fields are read only? |
Ans. | First of all create SHG in SMID component and open SHG-Bank Linkage Application screen And find same SHG in search box. If it is found then the entire read only field get bind with the value automatically. Now fill loan amount required, Application received date, recommended by and select document collected if any. Finally click on save button to create loan application of SHG. |
Q.33.) | Is there any relevant to select Recommended By (RO/ALF/CLF) at the time of SHG loan application? |
Ans. | Selection of recommended by is to track list of applications recommended by different RO, ALF & CLF. |
Q. 34.) | Can we delete a member of SHG if he is benefited by bank loan in SHG-Bank Linkage? |
Ans. | Yes, it can be deleted. |
Q.35.) | If the SHG bank loan application is rejected by the bank, whether the SHG can apply for the loan once again or not? |
Ans. | Yes, SHG can apply any number of times, but only one loan will be approved per SHG. |
Q.36.) | Whether the releases for the SHG-Bank Linkage in a single installment or in multiple installment? |
Ans. | Releases for the SHG will be in multiple installments. |
Q.37.) | What is meant by additional subsidy? Who are eligible? And How much? |
Ans. | An additional 3 percent interest subvention will be provided to all Women SHGs (WSHGs) who repay their loan in time. The Interest subsidy will be subject to timely repayment of the loan (as per the loan repayment schedule) and suitable certification obtained from banks by the ULB. The additional 3% interest subvention amount will be reimbursed to the eligible WSHGs. The banks should credit the amount of 3% interest subvention to the eligible WHSGs accounts and thereafter seek the reimbursement |
Social Mobilisation and Institution Development (SM&ID) | |
Q.1.) | What is RO? |
Ans. | RO means Resource agency, who used to helps in forming SHG as well as provides training for the SHG’s. |
Q.2.) | Is there any limitation on uploading the RO Agreement file? |
Ans. . | Yes, the RO Agreement file should be less than 1 MB and it should be in the .PDF format. Other formats are not allowed. |
Q.3.) | Who will fix the target for State & ULB? |
Ans. . | State Targets are fixed by Center (NMMU) and ULB targets are fixed by the concerned States (SMMU). |
Q.4.) | What is SHG? |
Ans. | SHG means self help group. More than five members joined and then formed as a group. There should be name for the SHG and the Bank account should be opened in the name of SHG. |
Q.5.) | What are the different types of SHG? |
Ans. . | There are three types of SHG’s 1. All Men 2. All Women 3. Mixed. SHG formed with all Male members are called as all men. |
Q.6.) | How the SHG code, ALF code and CLF code are generated? |
Ans. | The first three characters shows the type (SHG/ALF/CLF), then the next two digits shows the sate code then the next four digits shows the ULB Code and the last five digit for the group. All the codes are unique in nature. e.g. SHG33574800001, ALF33574800001, CLF33574800001. |
Q.7.) | Is there any limitation on uploading the beneficiary photo? |
Ans. | Yes , Maximum size of the photo should be less than 100 kb. It accepts only the following formats JPG, JPEG. Other Image formats are not allowed. |
Q.8.) | What is meaning for SHG formed under? |
Ans. | SHG formed under means whether the SHG is formed through the old SJSRY scheme, NULM Scheme or any other Scheme. |
Q.9.) | Who will conduct training for SHG? |
Ans. | Training programmes for the SHG’s are conducted by the Resource Organisation (RO). |
Q.10.) | Who will conduct training for ALF & CLF? |
Ans. | Training programmes for the ALF and CLF are conducted by Training Agency. |
Q.11.) | Who will enter the Training master? |
Ans. | Training master is common for NMMU, for all SMMU and for all ULBs. All the three users (NMMU, SMMU, and ULB) can enter the training master. |
Q.12.) | Whether the SHG member can be deleted from the System? |
Ans. | Yes. SHG member can be deleted from any SHG, if she/he is not a member of ALF or CLF. If he/she is a member in ALF or CLF, then he/she should be removed first from CLF and then ALF subsequently he can be removed from SHG. |
Q.13.) | What is ALF? |
Ans. | ALF means area level federation. ALF is formed through more than two SHG’s. There should be name for the ALF and the Bank account should be opened in the name of ALF. |
Q.14.) | How the ALF is formed from the SHG? |
Ans. . | ALF is a registered authority it has to be registered. SHG member will become member of ALF’s. |
Q.15.) | Whether the registration of ALF is Mandatory? |
Ans. . | Yes. Registration of ALF is Mandatory. While registering ALF they will get their ALF Registration Number. |
Q.16.) | What is CLF? |
Ans. | CLF means City Level Federation. It is formed through ALF. ALF members become the member of CLF. There should be name for the CLF. |
Q.17.) | How the CLF is formed? |
Ans. | ALF is formed from SHG members. CLF is formed from the selected ALF members. |
Q.18.) | What is meant by Financial Literacy camp? |
Ans. . | The ROs will organize camps on financial literacy for SHG members. In these Camps the beneficiaries will be made aware about savings, credit, remittance, Insurance etc., along with the modalities and operational requirements for accessing the same. The banks, financial Institutions, insurance agencies, micro finance agencies may be -encouraged to communicate with the urban poor through City Livelihood Centers (CLCs), campaigns etc |
Q.19.) | What is meant by opening of Savings Bank Account? |
Ans. | The Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India has issued directions to all the banks to open one account per family in all rural and urban areas. In urban area, the Lead District Manager is required to allocate each ward to a particular bank for ensuring opening of an account for each family. |
Q.20.) | What is Revolving Fund? |
Ans. | The revolving fund is provided to the Self Help Groups (SHGs) to inculcate the habit of thrift and credit. The revolving fund also builds institutional capacity of the SHGs in managing funds. |
Q.21.) | Are there any Conditions for the release of RF to SHG? |
Ans. . | A one-time Revolving Fund support will be provided to urban poor SHGs, which have not availed such support earlier. A SHG should be functional for a period of 6 months with at least 70% of SHG members should be urban poor to become eligible for Revolving Fund support under NULM. The Minimum members in the SHG should be greater than or equal to 10. |
Q.22.) | Are there any Conditions for the ALF to apply for the RF ? |
Ans. | Only registered ALF can apply for RF. |
Q.23.) | What is the amount released as a RF for the SHG and ALF? |
Ans. | For SHG it is Rs. 10,000/, and for ALF it is Rs.50, 000/. |
Q.24.) | Release to RO will be entered by whom? |
Ans. | Releases to RO will be entered by SMMU and ULB |
Q.25.) | Releases for the Agencies o will be entered by whom? |
Ans. | TRelease to Agency will be entered by ULB. |
Q.26.) | What is CLC? |
Ans. | CLC means City Livelihood Centers (CLC). CLL Creation proposals are entered by the ULB and it will be approved by the SMMU. Before submitting the proposal the space for running the CLC is to be identified. Identification of space is mandatory. |
Q.27.) | What is meant by Management of CLC? |
Ans. | After the CLC approval, the details of CLC and the Management details has to be entered before releasing of second installment. Before releasing the third installments the services should start in the CLC. |
Q.28.) | Who will release the money for the CLC? |
Ans. | SMMU will releases the money to ULB for the creation of CLC in three installments. |
Q.29.) | In how many installments the CLC approved money will be released? |
Ans. | In three installments the approved money will be released. |
Shelters for Urban Homeless (SUH) | |
Q.1.) | What is SUH? |
Ans. | SUH stands for Shelter for Urban Homeless. Which provide essential services to the urban homeless. |
Q.2.) | Who will submit the SUH proposal? |
Ans. | ULB/CMMU will submit the Proposal to SMMU. |
Q.3.) | What is meant by Construction and Refurbishment? |
Ans. | Construction means establishing a new building or shelter. Refurbishment means repairing or making the improvements in the existing buildings or shelter. |
Q.4.) | What is meant by O & M? |
Ans. | O & M stands for Operations and Maintenance. |
Q.5.) | What is meant by General and Special Shelter type? |
Ans. | Special Shelters: Taking into account special needs for segments of homeless persons, such as old persons without care, mentally ill, recovering patients and their families. General Shelters: All shelters are included such as Men shelters, Women shelters and Family shelters. Women shelters and Family shelters. |
Q.6.) | What is DPR? Who used to prepare and submit in the system? |
Ans. | DPR stands for Detailed Project Report. It is prepared by the ULB or by private agency and it will be submitted by ULB to SMMU for approval. |
Q.7.) | What is maximum size of DPR and format of the file which is to be uploaded on to the system? |
Ans. | The maximum size of DPR should be less than or equal to 1MB and the acceptable format is in PDF only. |
Q.8.) | Is there any constraint while submitting SUH proposal? |
Ans. | Yes, Proposal submission date should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.9.) | Is there any constraint while entering the Expected Date of Completion? |
Ans. | Yes, Expected Date of Completion should be greater than or equal to todays and it should be greater than or equal to the date of submission. |
Q.10.) | After submission of SUH Proposal, who will approve SUH Proposal? r submission of SUH Proposal, who will approve SUH Proposal? |
Ans. | SMMU will approve the SUH Proposal. |
Q.11.) | Is there any constraint while taking decision (Approved, returned for amendment, rejected) on the SUH proposals? |
Ans. | Yes, Decision Date should be greater than or equal to date of proposal Receipt Date and it should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.12.) | Is there any constraint while approving the SUH proposal construction cost? |
Ans. | Yes, Approved Construction Cost should be less than or equal to the applied Construction Cost. |
Q.13.) | Is there any constraint while approving the SUH O & M Cost? |
Ans. | Yes, Approved O & M Cost should be less than or equal to applied O & M Cost. |
Q.14.) | What is milestone? |
Ans. | List of activities are to be completed on the entire process, and the percentage of amount to be released from the approved amount for those activities. |
Q.15.) | Entry of milestone is mandatory? |
Ans. | No. |
Q.16.) | What is maximum Total Release Percentage can be assigned for the milestone? |
Ans. | Total Release Percentage should be less than or equal to 100%. |
Q.17.) | Is there any constraint while releasing the approved cost? |
Ans. | Total Release Cost should be less than or equal to total approved Cost. |
Q.18.) | After approval of SUH Proposals, who will make the releases? |
Ans. | SMMU will release the amount to ULB. |
Q.19.) | Is there any constraint while releasing the amount to ULB? |
Ans. | Yes, Release Date should be greater than or equal to Approval Date and less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.20.) | Who will enter the SUH Completion details? |
Ans. | ULB/CMMU will enter the SUH completion details. |
Q.21.) | Is there any constraint while entering the Completion details? |
Ans. | Yes, Completion Date should be less than or equal to today’s date and it should be greater than or equal to Approval Date. |
Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV) | |
Q.1.) | What is meant by SUSV? |
Ans. | SUSV stands for Support to Urban Street Vendors. It is an integral part of the economic growth process in urban areas. |
Q.2.) | What are the different Sub Components in SUSV? |
Ans. | 1- Street Vendor Survey 2- Street Vendor PlanPlan 3- Vendor Market Development |
Q.3.) | What is meant by Street Vendor Survey? |
Ans. | Under this sub-component, financial support will be provided to the ULB’s for conduct of survey for identification and enlisting of street vendors and issuing of ID Cards. |
Q.4.) | Who will submit the Street Vendor Survey, Plan Proposal? |
Ans. | ULB/CMMU & SMMU both can submit the street vendor survey, Plan proposal. |
Q.5.) | Is there any constraint while entering Date Sent for Approval & Tender Date in Street Vendor Survey, Plan Proposal? |
Ans. | Yes, Date Sent for Approval should be greater than or equal to Tender Date and it should be less than or equal to today’s date. And Tender Date should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.6.) | What is difference between Partial and Whole City Survey proposal? |
Ans. | For a particular city if the survey proposal was prepared for the part of the city then it is called as Partial. If the survey proposal is prepared for the complete city then it is called Whole City. |
Q.7.) | What is meant by Ward? |
Ans. | Ward is a subdivision of local authority area. |
Q.8.) | After submitting Street Vendor Survey, Plan proposal. Whether the Proposal can be edited? |
Ans. | Street Vendor Survey, Plan proposal can be edited before taking any action by SMMU/state authority. |
Q.9.) | Decision on Survey, Plan and Vendor Market Development Proposal will be taken by whom? |
Ans. | SMMU will take decision on the submitted proposals for Street Vendor Survey, Plan and Vendor Market Development. |
Q.10.) | Is there any constraint while taking decision (Rejected) on the Survey Proposals? |
Ans. | Yes, Decision Date should be greater than or equal to Date sent for proposal and it should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.11.) | Is there any constraint while taking decision (Approved) on the Survey Proposals? |
Ans. | Yes, 1- Approval Letter Date should be greater than or equal to Date sent for proposal. for proposal. 2- Approval Letter Date should be after Decision Date. 3- Approval Letter Date should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.12.) | What is milestone? |
Ans. | List of activities are to be completed on the entire process, and the percentage of amount to be released from the approved amount for those activities. (Milestone means an event or achievement that marks an important stage in a progress.) |
Q.13.) | What is maximum Release Amount can be released for the Street Vending Plan, Survey and Vendor Market Development? |
Ans. | Release Amount should be less than or equal to Approved Cost. |
Q.14.) | Who will release the amount for the Street Vendor Plan, Survey and Vendor Market development? |
Ans. | SMMU & ULB/CMMU both can releases the amount for the Street Vendor Plan, Survey and Vendor Market Development. |
Q.15.) | Is there any constraint while entering the Released Date in the releases for Street Vending survey, Plan and in vender market development? |
Ans. | Yes, Release Date should be greater than or equal to Decision Date and it should be less than or equal to the today’s date. |
Q.16.) | Is there any constraint while entering Issue/Transaction Date for Releases of Survey, Plan and Vendor Market Development? |
Ans. | Yes, Issue/Transaction Date should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.17.) | Who will enter the Completion details of the Street Vending Plan, Survey and market development? |
Ans. | ULB/CMMU has to enter the completion details. |
Q.18.) | Is there any constraint while entering Actual Date of Completion in Street Vending Plan and Survey? |
Ans. | Yes, Actual Date of Completion should be greater than or equal to Date Sent for Approval and it should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.19.) | What is the constraint while entering Date of Submission of Report for Completion of Survey? |
Ans. | Date of Submission of report should be greater than or equal to Actual Date of Completion and it should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.20.) | Future month can be selected while entering ID card Issue details? |
Ans. | No, it is not possible. Up to the Present month only the data can be entered. |
Q.21.) | What is meant by Street Vendor Plan? |
Ans. | Under this sub-component, financial support will be provided to the ULB for preparation of City Street Vending Plan. |
Q.22.) | What is maximum size of the proposal Files in Plan, DPR in vender market. Which format it will be allowed to upload? |
Ans. | The maximum size of Proposal File should be less than or equal to 1MB and the allowed format is only PDF. |
Q.23.) | Is there any constraint while taking decision on the Street Vending Plan? |
Ans. | Yes, while rejection, the rejection date should be greater than Date sent for approval and it should be less than or equal to today’s date. While approved, 1. The Approval letter date should be greater than date sent for approval and it should be less than or equal to today’s or equal to today’s date. 2. Decision Date should be greater than Date sent for approval and it should be also less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.24.) | What is meant by Vendor Market Development? |
Ans. | Under this sub-component, financial support will be provided to the ULB’s for improvement of infrastructure and provision of basic services in the existing markets of street vendors. |
Q.25.) | Who will submit Proposal on Vendor Market Development? |
Ans. | ULB/CMMU will submit the Proposal on Vendor Market Development to SMMU. |
Q.26.) | What is meant by DIP? |
Ans. | DIP stands for Detailed Implementation Plan. |
Q.27.) | Is there any constraint while entering the Date of Submission in the Proposal of Vendor Market Development? |
Ans. | Yes, Date of Submission should be after the Date of Completion of Street Vendor Survey and it should be less than or equal to today’ date. |
Q.28.) | Is there any constraint while taking decision (Approved, Returned for modification, Rejected) on the Market Development? |
Ans. | Decision Date should be greater than or equal to Proposal Receipt Date and also today or less than today date. |
Q.29.) | Is there any constraint while entering the Actual Date of Completion & Inauguration Date for Market Development Infrastructure Completion Details? |
Ans. | Yes, 1- Actual Date of Completion should be less than or equal to today’s date. today’s date. 2- Inauguration Date should be greater than or equal to the Actual Date of Completion and it should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.30.) | Who will submit the Training Details? |
Ans. | ULB/CMMU has to submit the Training Details. |
Q.31.) | Is there any constraint while entering the Training period for Market Development Training Details? |
Ans. | Yes, 1- Training from should be less than or equal to today’s less than or equal to today’s date. 2- Training to should be greater than or equal to Training from date. |
Q.32.) | Who will releases money to Training Agencies? |
Ans. | ULB/CMMU will release money to Training Agencies. |
Q.33.) | Is there any constraint while entering the Release Date while releasing money to Training Agency? |
Ans. | Yes, Release Date should be less than or equal to today’s date. |
Q.34.) | Who will enter Financial Inclusion Details? |
Ans. | ULB/CMMU has to enter Financial Inclusion Details. |
Q.35.) | What is meant by RSBY, JBY? |
Ans. | RSBY stands for Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana. JBY stands for Janashree Bima Yojana. These are the different insurance schemes. erent insurance schemes. |
Q.36.) | What is the constraint while selection of Month & Year in Financial Inclusion? |
Ans. | Month & Year should be less than or equal to Current Month & Year. |
Capacity Building and Training (CBT) | |
Q.1.) | What is meant by a technical expert? |
Ans. | A technical expert is one who has expertise in a subject, provides the information related to their subject specialization and report to the regular government officials who are in charge of the MMUs at all levels. |
Q.2.) | Who is authorized to fix the technical Experts posts? How is it identified? |
Ans. | NMMU is authorized to fix the technical Experts posts for SMMU and NMMU. SMMU is authorized to fix the technical Experts posts for CMMU. Technical experts are fixed as per the population of the states and ULB’s. |
Q.3.) | Who will enter the technical expert details? |
Ans. | All the three users that are NMMU, SMMU and CMMU are authorized to enter technical expert’s details. |
Q.4.) | Which are the formats and the size of the image are acceptable while uploading the image of a technical expert and Community Organizer? |
Ans. | Only the .jpg and .jpeg formats are acceptable while uploading image of technical expert. The maximum size is 100 kb. |
Q.5.) | What is meant by CO? |
Ans. | CO means Community organizer. COs will interact and will have direct interface with the urban poor and assist them in accessing all the benefits of NULM. |
Q.6.) | Who will enter the CO details? |
Ans. | CMMU has to enter the CO details. |
Q.7.) | What kind of training is provided to technical experts? |
Ans. | Training on the topics defined in curriculum is provided to the technical experts. |
Q.8.) | Who is authorized to conduct training programmes? |
Ans. | All the three users that are NMMU, SMMU and CMMU are authorized to conduct training programmes. NMMU will conduct national and regional training programmes. SMMU will conduct state level training programmes. ULB conducts city level training programmes. |
Q.9.) | What are the constraints on Training From date and Training To date in training details? |
Ans. | 1. Both From date and To date cannot be a date greater than the current date; 2. Dates must be entered in the format of ‘dd/MM/yyyy’.Dates must be entered in the format of ‘dd/MM/yyyy’. 3. To date should be greater than From date. |
Q.10.) | How many days the training can be conducted? |
Ans. | The lowest limit of training period is 1 day and maximum days can be 99. |
Q.11.) | Which are the formats and the size of the document will be uploaded as Agenda/Curriculum? |
Ans. | Only the ‘pdf ’ format files can be can be uploaded as Agenda/Curriculum. The maximum size of the file should be < 1 Mb. |
Q.12.) | What are the criteria for selecting the training agency? |
Ans. | The training agency should have a minimum 5 years experience in training and should have at least 5 resource team members fully available for capacity building purpose. |
Q.13.) | Who will enter the details of the training programme and participant’s details? |
Ans. | Who’s ever conducting the training programme they have to enter the participants details. If it is a National or Regional training programme then the participant’s details will be entered by NMMU. If it is a State level training programme then it will done by the SMMU. If it is a city level training programme then it will be done by ULB. |
Q.14.) | Is there any constraint on selecting training while adding participant’s details? |
Ans. | Only those trainings can be selected for which curriculum is added. |
Q.15.) | Is there any limitation on the number of participants in a training programme? |
Ans. | No limit has been defined. |
Q.16.) | Whether one technical expert from one state can attend training conducted by other state? |
Ans. | Yes technical expert from one state can attend training conducted by other state. |
Q.17.) | Who is authorized to release payment to training agencies? |
Ans. | All the three type of users that is NMMU, SMMU, and CMMU are authorized to release payment to training agencies. |
Q.18.) | Is the payment to training agency made all at once or in installments? |
Ans. | The payment can be made both in once as well as in installments. |
Q.19.) | Can the monthly expenses of previous or upcoming months be edited or added? |
Ans. | Only the present (latest entry) can be modified. Previous month (old) data can’t be allowed to modify after entering the present month data. Similarly for the upcoming months (future months) the data can’t be allowed to enter. |